Here are a few more photos I took while out and about today.
This is the tower at St. Mary's Church. I climbed to the very top of the tower to take the picture that I used for the blog header above.
St. Mary's is located in Radcliffe Square.
The center piece of the square is the circular Radcliffe Camera. Radcliffe Camera is a library which houses the Science collection.
Parks Road (where Arthur works).
The King's Arms (one of our favorite pubs). The King's Arms has been in business since 1607.
This is Hertford Bridge or more popularly known as the Bridge of Sighs because it supposedly resembles the famous Bridge of Sighs in Venice. The bridge links together the Old and New Quadrangles of Hertford College.
British phone booth
Union Jack in front of Carfax Tower. This is considered to be the very center of the city.
High Street
An American must live here.